
Bitcoin As A Store Of Value, Unit Of Account, And Medium Of Exchange

Bitcoin As A Store Of Value, Unit Of Account, And Medium Of Exchange

To act as a store of value, money must be able to be reliably saved, stored, and retrieved. Moreover, it must be predictably usable as a medium of exchange when it is retrieved. The value of the money must also remain stable over time. Put simply, money acting as a store of value allows its owner to transfer real purchasing what is a unit of account power from the present to the future. Some have argued that inflation, by reducing the value of money, diminishes its ability to function as a store of value. Money can also function as a “standard of deferred payment,” which means that its status as a legal tender allows it to function for the discharge of debts.

They are thus an extension of the web of debts that encompass all the participants of the modern economies. Therefore, the best that you can probably hope for is some stability in the price of labour when expressed in the unit of account. The property that causes the greatest grief is that many argue that “money is a store of value”. Although it would be nice if the monetary unit had a stable relationship with all other values in the economy, this is not really possible in an economy with a diverse array of goods and services. We develop a theory that rationalizes the use of a dominant unit of account in an economy. Agents enter into non‐contingent contracts with a variety of business partners.

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However, it has no issuing bank; the currency is created by computers performing complex mathematical problems. Transactions are carried out by transferring a unique number within the Bitcoin network from one electronic “wallet” – on a computer or phone – to another. If you define money as currency than you would have to rewrite the “myths”. There are precisely three ways to extinguish a debt. The first is forgiveness, the second is in kind and the third is by cancellation with another debt. “For me money is”; “For you it seems to be”; “not on my definition ”. Swap treasuries for “cash.” (Say, checking-account deposits.) Swap cash for whatever. Those swaps don’t change the aggregate stocks of the things swapped. (Though of course those swaps trigger economic effects.) Again, think aggregate, not individual.

what is a unit of account

This website also incorporates links that are part of the Amazon affiliate program ; you will need to consult their websites to see what tracking information they use. This blog contains general discussions of economic and financial market trends for a general audience. These are not investment recommendations tailored to the particular needs of an investor. The author may discuss strategies which are wildly inappropriate for retail investors. Any mention of corporate securities are for illustrative purposes only; the author does not make recommendations to buy or sell such securities . No warranties are made with regards to the correctness of data or analysis, and some data may be under copyright protection of the original data provider.

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This paper develops the framework of analysis of monetary systems put together by authors such as Macleod, Keynes, Innes, and Knapp. This framework does not focus on the functions performed by an object but rather on its financial characteristics. Anything issued by anybody can be a monetary instrument and any type of material can be used to make a monetary instrument, as these are unimportant determinants of what a monetary instrument is. What matters is the existence of specific financial characteristics. These characteristics lead to a stable nominal value in the proper financial environment. This framework of analysis leads the researcher to study how the fair value of a monetary instrument changes and how that change differs from changes in the value of the unit of account. It also provides a road map to understanding monetary history and why monetary instruments are held. The most common definition people use is that a thing is money in the proportion as it fulfills the roles of unit of account , medium of exchange and storage of value.

The whole point of this post is to reach common understanding, definition, and usage. Hoping no offense, but I think your reply doesn’t help with that. It doesn’t mean that it is the same as outside money. For an individual it may seem the same, but it isn’t. For a policy maker, it is actually dangerous to not see the difference. Swapping reserves for bonds doesn’t change private-sector total assets or net worth; just the private-sector portfolio mix. You can’t pay taxes with Fed reserves, any more than you can with Treasury bonds. Once the money’s created — there’s more wealth — it can be transferred to pay for new-stuff creation. Spending — even spending on consumption goods that you’ll devour within the period — is not consumption. It’s created and destroyed by other, financial, mechanisms.

His research interests include political economy and monetary economics. He has published articles in scholarly journals, including the Journal of Economic Methodology and the NYU Journal of Law & Liberty. Stability is about as real as the fountain of youth, love potions, or perpetual motion machines. It is not to be what is a unit of account found anywhere in the universe but for some reason people act as if such a thing could somehow exist. Prices reflect the availabilities of things that we actually can have, so maybe we should all stop searching for chimera of stability and accept that if the world is unstable, than prices ought to be unstable too.

  • You ask the cashier to break a $20 into a ten dollar bill, a five dollar bill, and five one dollar bills because you need the one dollar bills for the soda machines at work.
  • Through money, we can also calculate the value of our transactions and savings accounts.
  • He could declare “now the silver coin is not worth 1 dollar anymore – it is worth 0,5 dollars now”.
  • The foreign exchange market assists international trade and investment by enabling currency conversion.
  • There are several ways to define ” money,” but standard measures usually include currency in circulation and demand deposits (depositors’ easily accessed assets on the books of financial institutions).
  • If you spent it instead of saving it, it would be in somebody else’s account.

Measure MI, the most narrow of measures, includes only the most liquid forms of monetary assets; all currency and bank deposits held by a nation’s public. M2, a slightly “broader” measure includes all values incorporated under MI, in addition to assets held in savings accounts, certain time deposits and mutual funds balances. Currently, most modern monetary systems are based on fiat money. However, for most of history, almost all money was commodity money, such as gold and silver coins. As economies developed, commodity money was eventually replaced by representative money, such as the gold standard, as traders found the physical transportation of gold and silver burdensome. Fiat currencies gradually took over in the last hundred years, especially since the breakup of the Bretton Woods system in the early 1970s. Legal tender laws do not always adopt market-determined money as legal tender. A new medium of exchange that does not serve any original non-money use as an economic good can be imposed to replace market-determined money by legal declaration. This type of legal tender can also be called fiat money.

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But of course, even if I had no currency in my wallet, I can still claim that “my car is worth the equivalent of 20,000 dollars”. So, in that context, I’m using the dollar as an abstraction, as an unit of account. I’m using the abstract idea of equivalence – one thing is equivalent to another – and I don’t need to own the objects to compare them. For example, in Iliad, we know that oxen is used as a widespread unit of account .

This is in contrast to representative money, which has little or no intrinsic value but represents something of value, and fiat money, which has value only because it has been established as money by government regulation. But the value of money in real life is quite unstable due to inflation, deflation, and other economic phenomena. Due to that, money is not always considered a good unit of account as its ability to measure the value of things is not always the same. To understand this problem, imagine if the unit of a centimeter wasn’t able to remain constant over time.

But I find it troubling when one makes the general claim that money was always fiat. In the thinking here, Bitcoin is just another type of financial instrument, a legal claim with particular terms associated. It’s not monetarists’ “money,” cause its price isn’t pegged to the unit of account . Though of course you could say it’s pegged to the alternate unit of account, The Bitcoin. They’ll sell variable-priced instruments, running down their prices until the market reaches its preferred portfolio allocation.

what is a unit of account

Banknotes are a commodity, and checkable deposits are a different commodity, but Dollars are a unit of account. The foreign exchange market is the most liquid financial market in the world. Traders include large banks, central banks, institutional investors, currency speculators, corporations, governments, other financial institutions, and retail investors. In this sense, currencies are actually less than ideally suited because they can be quite volatile, depending on the market. This is why some currencies tend to be used more than others as units of account. The United States Dollar and European Euro, for example, are widely regarded as reasonably stable. However, many nations prefer to use their own currency as a unit of account. However certain goods in a barter economy will be generally desired by more people in trade for whatever they have to offer in barter. These tend to be goods that have the best combination of the five properties of money listed above.


In the example of $10 USD above, if it is broken up into 10 one dollar increments, they still have the same value and are comparable to each other. One dollar bill, in other words, is like any other dollar bill, and ten dollar bills are equivalent in value to a $10 bill. On the other hand, something like a work of art does not have this trait. Paintings cannot be chopped up into pieces of equivalent value. Likewise, a large diamond loses value when it is broken apart. By contrast, durable goods like flour share the same value whether one is looking at 10 sacks of flour or 100 sacks of flour. When something is used as a unit of account, it needs to have several properties. The first is the ability to standardize and easily understand it.

The same is valid for government currency and bank deposits . Even if some people sometimes consider them the same, it is certainly not the case. #4 engenders and exposes more confusion than it erases. Money certainly is debt, because money is credit, and credit is debt. Credit or debt [or asset or liability] are words for the same thing viewed from different perspectives, none of the 4 should really be distinguished from the other 3. At one point it might be more natural to use one or the other, but they all generally do make perfect and literal sense.

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